SEPTEMBER 12, 2016
A Message to Our Community, Orlando.
Today marks 3 months since the tragedy that occurred on June 12th, 2016. Pulse was a staple of the LGBTQ community in Orlando, and to have so many people affected by an individual’s heinous act is still so hard to comprehend.
In these times it’s easy to act out in anger, but instead, Orlando demonstrated unity. With support from around the world, The City Beautiful became a beacon of courage, strength, and unconditional love.
At RedFork, we wanted to promote the Orlando United symbol that represents that strength and unity. A symbol that promotes equality, acceptance, and love for people of all walks.
So we created the Orlando United Pin.
To do so we partnered with Mac Masters of Get Lapel Pins (GLP), a custom lapel pin design and manufacturing company. GLP donated their time, artists, and the pins to support the project.
We also partnered with Rob Bartlett of Bartlett Image. He donated his time to capture photos of the pin on models from the Orlando area.
The pin features the iconic Orlando United symbol. Included with the pin is a unique art piece that commemorates Pulse, Orlando, and all who were affected by the tragedy.
Together, the pin and art piece serve to honor the lives we've lost and to truly represent the City Beautiful.
With only 100 available, each numbered on the bottom right corner of the art piece, they are a unique way to support the Orlando community.
All proceeds of the #OrlandoUnitedPin will go to the OneOrlando fund, which supports the victims and their families.
We are strong. We are together. We are Orlando United.
- The RedFork Team