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The Best Way To Jumpstart Your Business Is Going Social

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Every Customer In The Palm Of Your Hand

umpstart Your Business Is Going Social

If your business is just starting up, or maybe even slowed down a bit over the past few months, there is one important step you should take to get back on track: Start using social media.

During a recent interview with Larry King, Gary Vaynerchuk – the super-passionate and fast-talking serial entrepreneur – shared an interesting perspective on what the internet is today…

“Social media is a slang term for the current state of the Internet.”

— Gary Vaynerchuk of VaynerMedia


The Times They Are A Changin’

The introduction of web-connected mobile technology has completely changed the marketing world. Consumers are now learning about products and services by viewing videos and reading articles on small screens in the palm of their hand – not from TV commercials and magazine ads.

Take a look at Amazon, which launched back in ‘95 primarily selling books online. Now, the company is delivering pretty much everything under the sun via planes, trains, automobiles – and even drones.

Amazon homepage in 1995 vs. Amazon homepage in 2016

In just over two decades, we’ve witnessed an incredible amount of change to the online experience, which creates a constant challenge for small business owners. It feels like everyday there’s a new app or web service released that can completely change how people interact online.

Don’t Wait For Them To Come To You

In a study of 170,000 people, GlobalWebIndex found that 28% of adults in the US spend their time online viewing and sharing content on social networking sites. Millennials are coming of age – settling down in their careers, starting up families, becoming a real force of wealth in the US.

“If a business isn’t present on Facebook, or has negative reviews on Yelp, it is likely that Millennials will steer themselves in another direction.”

— Melissa Christian of NR Media Group

This generation grew up with the internet, and now make up almost 25% of the US population, spending around $1 trillion online each year. So don’t be the business playing catch up, waiting for customers to come to you. Activate your business online right now!

Get Social Now!

Not sure where to begin? Check out one of my previous blog posts about 3 Crucial Brand Consistency Tips For Social Media.

If you need additional help, don’t forget to reach out to us!

Your Turn

Is your business active on social media? Share your company’s username and some social media tips and tricks in the comments below!

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