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16 Steakhouses Marketing Tips For Guaranteed Success In 2023

Steakhouses are a booming industry and, as any business owner knows, marketing is key to success. With so much competition in the industry, it takes a lot to set your steakhouse apart from the rest. But with the right marketing strategy in place, you can bring in more customers and boost your profits.

So what’s the best way to market a steakhouse? Here are 16 tips to get you started…

1. Steakhouse Branding And Signboard

Make sure your steakhouses have a recognizable and memorable brand attached to them. Use signage, logos, and color schemes to create an identity that stands out from the competition.

The branding should convey a feeling of quality and luxury, without being too pretentious. It should make customers feel like they're in for a treat, without breaking the bank.

The sign board should be visible from a distance so that potential customers can easily find the steakhouse. And once they're inside, they should be met with an inviting atmosphere that makes them want to stay awhile and enjoy a good meal.

oak steakhouse signage

2. Grow Social Media Presence

Traditional advertising methods can be expensive. Create a strong social media presence and make sure to post photos of delicious-looking steaks! Utilize platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, etc., to reach potential customers.

Use attractive pictures and engaging videos to entice potential customers. In addition, offer discounts and run promotions to encourage people to try your restaurant

3. Leverage Word Of Mouth

Customer reviews are a valuable source of information for potential customers. They can provide an honest, unbiased assessment of your steakhouse and help to build trust.

By sharing the positive experiences of satisfied customers, you can give potential customers a taste of what they can expect when they visit your restaurant

4. Elevate Your Interior And Signage

The minute a customer walks into your steakhouse, they should be impressed with the interior design. An excellent interior design creates a luxurious and inviting atmosphere that makes customers want to stay and spend money.

The furnishings should be comfortable yet stylish. Heavy wooden tables and leather chairs are a classic choice for steakhouses, but you can also mix in some contemporary pieces to add interest.

Furthermore, well-designed signage is essential in directing customers to your steakhouse and drawing attention to special promotions or menu items. Great signage makes it easy for customers to find your steakhouse and ensures they don’t miss any promotions or offers.

steak house interior showing chairs and tables

5. Offer Discounts And Special Deals

Discounts and Deals should be part of every restaurant's marketing strategy. For example, you could offer a discount for customers who order a certain amount of food, or for those who come during off-peak hours.

You could also offer a loyalty program, where customers can earn points or rewards for each visit. Whatever deals and discounts you decide to offer, be sure to promote them heavily so that potential customers are aware of them.

Here are a few discounts you could offer:

  1. 10% off for customers who order through an online app

  2. 20% off for those who come during slow periods

  3. 15% off on the total order amount if you spend more than $50

Outback social media post

6. Host Events Or Food Competitions

Throwing a big event or hosting a food competition are both great ways to get people interested in your steakhouse. First, decide what type of event would be most successful in attracting new customers.

If you have a large enough space, consider hosting a live cooking demonstration or a tasting event. You could also host a more intimate dinner party where potential customers can sample your menu and get to know your chefs.

Once you've decided on the event, publicize it as much as possible. Send out press releases, post flyers around town, and promote them through social media.

7. Investing In Online Advertising

Online Advertising can generate much more visibility for your steakhouse than traditional methods such as billboards or newspaper ads. Several different online advertising methods can be effective for steakhouses, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and social media marketing.

google ppc ads showing steakhouses ad results

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is important to understand your target market and what keywords they are likely to use when searching for a steakhouse. Once you have a list of relevant keywords, you can use them in your website content, blog posts, and social media posts to help improve your visibility in search engines.

Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube provide another way to reach out to potential diners. By creating engaging content and running targeted advertising campaigns, a steakhouse can connect with a larger audience and encourage them to visit its restaurant or website.

8. Design Loyalty Programs

Offering loyalty rewards programs can incentivize customers to return to your steakhouse again and again. Create special discounts or promotions for loyal customers.

For example, you can offer a discount on their next purchase after they've visited a certain number of times or spent a certain amount of money.

You can also offer a percentage off on the customer's next meal if they refer a friend to your steakhouse.

Similarly, a loyalty card can be issued where they can earn points every time they dine with you. These points can then be redeemed for free meals or special deals.

This can help you build long-term relationships with your customers and turn them into loyal patrons of your steakhouse.

9. Collaborate With Influencers And Food Bloggers

Having influencers visit your restaurant and post about their experience can help spread the word and generate interest in what you have to offer. Similarly, partnering with food bloggers can also be a great way to get your business in front of a wider audience.

This means that you would identify people who have a large social media following and are influential in the foodie community. By partnering with them, you can get your steakhouse on their radar and in front of their followers.

You can offer them a complimentary meal in exchange for a review or social media post. Make sure to track how this marketing tactic is performing so you can adjust accordingly.

food blogger taking pictures of food to post on social media

10. Involve In Community Events

Participate in community events such as festivals and food fairs to showcase your steakhouses’ offerings and build relationships with local businesses, organizations, or influencers that can refer more people to you.

11. Get Registered With Food Delivery Platforms

The popularity of food delivery apps is no more news now. There are a variety of food delivery platforms available in the United States, each with its unique strengths.

For example, Grubhub and Seamless are both national platforms with a large customer base. DoorDash and Postmates are popular in major cities, while Uber Eats is available in many smaller towns.

In addition to increasing your visibility, food delivery platforms make it easier for customers to order your food. These platforms allow customers to view menus, place orders, and pay online or through the app.

This convenience can be a major selling point for busy professionals or families who don't have time to cook.

12. Get Listed On Directories

Make sure you are listed in every relevant directory so that potential customers can find you when they are searching for steakhouses in their area. Some of the directories where you should list your steakhouse include Yelp, Google My Business, and TripAdvisor.

You can also list your steakhouse in local directories, such as the chamber of commerce or the tourist bureau. By ensuring that your steakhouse is listed in as many online directories as possible, you can make it easy for customers to find you and choose your restaurant over the competition.

pee dee steak house listing showing on yelp

13. Start Email Marketing

When creating your email marketing campaign, make sure to include information about your specialties and why customers should choose your steakhouse over others.

Be sure to also include attractive photos and graphics to make your emails stand out. In addition, consider offering discounts or coupons to encourage people to try out your steakhouse.

You can also use newsletters to keep customers updated on new menu items, special events, and other news.

14. Easy To Navigate Website

Make sure your website is up-to-date and user-friendly. Showcase your menu and special deals on your website. Use high-quality photos and videos to show off your steakhouse, and make sure to include information about your restaurant so people can find you easily.

You can also create an online ordering system on your website so people can order food directly and get it delivered to their doorstep.

15. Train Your Staff

Training your staff to be knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the food you serve is very important. After all, if your waitstaff doesn't know how to properly describe the steak options or answer preparation questions, potential diners may be turned off and choose not to visit again.

To avoid this, take some time to train your staff on everything from the different cuts of beef available to the best way to cook each one. You might even want to provide a tasting so that your staff can experience the steak firsthand and get a sense of what it's all about.

chef preparing steaks

16 . Serve Unique Meats

Arguably, there's nothing more classic than a good steak, but that doesn't mean you have to stick with the same old beef. Why not try serving up some more unusual cuts of meat, like venison, bison, or ostrich?

Not only will this help you stand out from the competition, but it will also give your customers a chance to try something new. And who knows? They might just find that they like it!

So if you're looking to attract new customers and add a little excitement to your menu, consider serving up some unique meats that aren't available at other restaurants in town.


If you're looking to market your steakhouses more effectively, keep these tips in mind. They'll help you reach a wider audience and boost your business. And if you need any assistance along the way, don't hesitate to get in touch. We'd be happy to help you take your marketing efforts to the next level.


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